Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fast Break!

     Friday morning, first break.
     I ducked downstairs to the lobby store for a carbo-charge and encountered this little fellow (couldn’t have been much more than four), who decided to block my way.
     Four-years-old him.
     Two-hundred-plus-pounds me.
     I took one step to the left.
     He took three hops to his right.
     I took one step to the right.
     He took three skips to his left.
     I faked a half-step left, cut back around his open side and took off at a fast walk!
     He started after me, but pulled up at a woman’s call!
     When I came out of the store, I slipped the lady a bag of cookies to give to my tiny challenger.
     That had been the most fun I’d had all week!

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