Monday, June 6, 2011


The ORIGINAL PLAN was to see if I could publish one Twitter-length story per day for one year.

That's 140 characters times 365 days, which equals 41,100 characters (if I did the math correctly).

...Or...I could try writing a novel....


(I use ellipses a lot, don't I?)

Anywho, the following is as far as I got....


ChixBet-Jo lost a bet snuck in the hold put a red X on the Diva’s pup 
& waited for Phil to call the Papps. 
It was a long, cold trip to Titan

Che longed for adventure, but avoided risks. 
On a whim, he decided to visit the “bad” side of town. 
He choked at the tracks and drove home

Kitu saw Lion, who’d smelled him first.
Each thought of his family, then attacked & died from his wounds.
The Hyenas fed well that night

Waving thanks to the paused cars, Al lunged at the dog.
It fled to the sidewalk.
Honking salutes the traffic resumed-stranding him midstreet

She was wrong but to keep the peace Raj apologized with flowers. 
She flounced past with smug galpals.
He went home & watched the game-happy!

May thought she was ready for the digital conversion,
but she didn’t realize she needed a converter box. 
Her body still aches when it rains.

Fed up, Marc phoned his pal “Now!” 
Ty unveiled a new, shiny thing and the crowd ran to see. 
Unencumbered again, Marc went back to work.

Pockets! Drawers! Trash! Jas finally found his cell phone between the cushions!
Smiling, he turned it off 5 minutes before his show started…

As a new Angel, Bob earned his wings in spite of himself. 
Running with a lightning bolt, he tripped into a cloud. 
Three Magi saw the light.

The Gunman barricaded himself in his home. 
He’d stocked up on food, water, ammo & batteries.
No one cared. 
He came out & held a yard sale.

Leo was pathologically helpful. 
One day he said “No” and they all dismissed the outburst. 
But, he’d said it & pondered the possibilities…

“Join Us!” 
“Not my idea of fun.” 
“Fun is Fun!” 
They gathered to rescue him from himself. 
Anticipating, Nate made himself scarce.

Iola was lonely. 
She longed to be loved despite her Appearance & considered changing her face.
Instead, she settled for a rich husband.

J had problems with dairy.
When his bosses told of his trip, he thanked the staff with ice cream cake. 
They sent Buck while J ran his course

Less now, grown Porch Girl remembers that one kid’s attempt.
But he’d been enticed away to play by others.
She’d gone inside & stays…still…

Judson advertised for a virgin that could cook & keep house.
He found one, but she refused to do windows, so he sent her back & tried again.

Margie heard a strange noise & went to check it out.
Her husband smiled to himself, turned over & waited till morning to report her missing.

Carly sent her robot for a swim.
As expected, it sank.
The Brat laughed so hard she fell off her yacht. 
Her kin fished the bot out. 

“You can’t say ‘POOMPF! back,” Chip told his Gramps’ new galfriend. 
“She’s screwing with you,” Gramps said.
She waggled brows.


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