My cell phone hung up on my boss.
This is not a good thing.
The other day it hung up on the urgent care triage nurse and not long ago it hung up on my distraught son.
I would like to buy a new cell phone, but I don't know how.
Getting a new to me phone is easy enough.
Practically everybody's got 'em.
Grocery stores, gas stations, beauty shops, garden supply stores.
Nice little refurbished phones in nice new boxes.
Phones that other people traded in either for fancier phones or because the traded in phones were having too many problems.
Seriously! I've got enough of my own problems, I don't want anybody else's!
Along with turning off while I'm trying to have a conversation, sometimes it won't let me turn it off and keeps turning itself back on. Its predecessor wouldn't let my 911 calls go through, which made one particular evening very interesting. The one before that suddenly acquired screen filling horizontal lines across it like an old style TV with a bad rabbit-ears antenna.
So, now I would like to purchase a new, new phone.
The kind fresh off the assembly line that's just been approved by Inspector 16.
Still with the new phone smell.
But, I ain't got no idea where to even begin my search for one.
I guess I'm stuck with this one for now.
If we're having a nice lively conversation and you suddenly hear a lot of dead silence…I (probably) didn't hang up on you.
It was the #$%& phone.
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