I admit it.
It's because I was never properly socialized.
I have never acquired that inability to check, first, to see if the toilet seat was still up and, if it was, to reach over and put it down.
I only own four sets of footwear: dress shoes, street shoes, house shoes and winter boots.
All flats.
All black.
I prefer not to go to the rest room as part of a group.
I think purses are evil.
I generally say what I have to say…once…then go back to whatever I was doing.
If the trash can is full, I take it out.
I think that "Chatter" is what a pack of hyenas do just before they rip you to shreds and eat you.
I think that the combined odors of sweat, armpit deodorant, feminine hygiene deodorant, hair products, perfumes, mouthwash, make-up, dry cleaning fluid, fabric softener, dry cleaner sheets and menstrual flow are noxious, especially in a warm elevator, and should be banned by the CDC.
I think that whoever invented panty-hose should be strangled with a robe made with braided panty-hose.
…oh, wait…
That's a common opinion.
Maybe I'm not so strange after all.